Irises are among the most versatile flowers you can add to your garden. Some types grow up to 4 feet tall, while miniature ...
If you only want to try growing a few iris seeds at first, you can simply gather them when they're ready and plant their ...
When the irises start to bloom in early spring, park visitors will be able to see spectacular flowers that represent a ...
The tips of iris leaves turn brown and seem to be dying, but the entire plant dies very rarely. Iris borers cause severe damage to iris by feeding on the rhizome. Management of iris borers is ...
Irises can look wonderful in early summer, with masses of colourful blooms held on stout flower stalks. However, after several years the clumps will run out of steam and die off in the middle ...
Each capsule-like seedpod has three chambers. Browse our list of plants in the Iris family, below. Sisyrinchium is a large genus of low-growing annuals and rhizomatous perennials with grass-like ...
Starting around the turn of the 20th century, iris enthusiasts began to be active in the area, seeking out wild specimens in the region's swamps to document, transplant and cultivate. The iris ...