Passenger flows have surged since Jan. 30, with daily trips exceeding 300 million on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, both surpassing last year's levels, according to a research and development center under the ...
Swedish police confirmed on Wednesday that the death toll in the school shooting in central Sweden's Orebro has risen to 11, ...
最近,Twitter 上出现了一段 2009 年的老视频。它让观众可以直观地了解 CPU 和 GPU 之间的区别。 在这个视频中,CPU 和 GPU 两种处理器在一场绘画对决中正面交锋。两种处理器先后连接到了一台发射彩弹来作画的机器上,通过射击到屏幕上的彩蛋来绘制图像。 CPU 需要整整 30 秒才能画出一个非常基本的笑脸: 然后 GPU 瞬间就能画出一幅蒙娜丽莎的图像: 单纯从这段视频中可以得出 ...
第67届美国格莱美音乐奖颁奖典礼当地时间2日晚在加利福尼亚州洛杉矶举行。格莱美音乐奖由美国录音艺术与科学学院主办,是美国音乐界最重要的年度盛事,今年共颁发94个奖项。美国歌坛巨星碧昂丝在本届格莱美音乐奖以11项提名领跑,最终凭借《Cowboy ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
Cross border travels also saw significant increase. Data from National Immigration Administration (NIA) showed on Wednesday ...
In a remote camp, a palaeontologist guards the most important finding of her career: the fossil remains of a hippogriff, a half-bird half-lion mythical animal.
在刚过去的假期里,你是否接到过电话“问候”或“骚扰”?图源:giphy尽管每天都离不开手机,甚至到了成瘾的地步,但当铃声响起,很多人却会感到莫名的烦躁与焦虑。犹豫着接还是不接,手指却不由自主地移向了“挂断”。害怕接电话,似乎已经成为了当代年轻人的常态 ...
The visa-free policy is also a testament to China's commitment to deepening global integration. Foreign Ministry spokeswoman ...
(原标题:SFC Outlook 2025|Paul Gruenwald’s Take on the Fed’s Rate Strategy and Market Risks) The World Economic Forum in Davos remains a key platform for global business and political leaders, drawing sig ...