open image in gallery Ben, left, with his friend Charlie, right, who alerted his mother when Ben fell very ill (Family handout/British Heart Foundation) Luckily for Ben, Ms Hill-Chambers knew how ...
The British Heart Foundation explains: "Over time, a fatty material called atheroma (sometimes known as plaque) can build up inside your coronary arteries. This process is called atherosclerosis.
The Mediterranean diet has been named one of the healthiest diets around for years, and that is for good reason. It can help boost your heart health, strengthen your brain, support healthy weight ...
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. People of most racial and ethnic groups in the country are more likely to die from a heart-related issue than anything else. These ...
In addition to regular exercise and not smoking, diet is one of the best ways to protect your heart. That’s because inflammation, blood pressure, cholesterol, and other heart disease risk ...
Since the heart is such a vital organ, it needs to stay healthy -- and your diet plays a pivotal role in that. Everyone from the American Heart Association to the US Department of Health and ...
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