Bats carry viral pathogens that typically do not lead to severe disease in the bats themselves but can be lethal to humans. Adaptations in certain immune genes might contribute to this resistance.
By examining the interconnected benefits of bat conservation, the study sheds light on how protecting these animals is crucial for environmental stability and human well-being. The researchers have ...
Bats depend on open bodies of water such as small ponds and lakes for foraging and drinking. Access to water is particularly important for survival in the increasingly hot and dry summers caused ...
Bats in the noctilionoid group, like Darwin’s finches, have evolved an impressive variety of jaw and tooth adaptations to suit their diverse diets. From fruit to fish, these bats have rapidly changed ...
We are studying the ecology of viral pathogens of known or potential zoonotic risk in fruit bats in West Africa, and human interactions with these bats. Our collaborative Bats and Bugs project focuses ...