Under the terms of the agreement, Global Development will acquire all shares of ING Bank (Eurasia) JSC, taking over all Russian onshore activities and staff." Details: The agreement is subject to ...
Ing Bank Slaski现在的股价报283.50 Ing Bank Slaski的股票在哪间交易所挂牌交易? Ing Bank Slaski的股票在波兰华沙挂牌交易。 Ing Bank Slaski的股票代码是什么? Ing Bank Slaski的股票代码是“INGP。” Ing Bank Slaski有分红吗?当前的股息收益率是多少? Ing Bank Slaski的股息收益率是 ...
Dutch bank ING has agreed to sell its Russian business to a Moscow-based company, taking a €700mn hit to profits and ending its activities in the country nearly three years after the Kremlin’s ...
Russian ruler Vladimir Putin has allowed the US investment bank Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to sell its business in Russia, making it one of the few Western banks to leave the country completely. Source: ...
ING Group (NYSE: ING) has agreed to sell its Russian operations to Global Development JSC, marking the Dutch bank's exit from the Russian market, the company announced today.
This transaction will effectively end ING’s activities in the Russian market. Under the terms of the agreement, Global Development will acquire all shares of ING Bank (Eurasia) JSC, taking over all ...