Tendons are designed to take tensile load, but excessive load can cause overuse tendinopathy. Overuse tendinopathy results in extensive changes to the cells and extracellular matrix, resulting in ...
The tendon is surrounded by a vascular tissue lining that provides nutrition to the tendon. Patellar tendonitis occurs when the patellar tendon becomes inflamed and irritated. This problem is most ...
Objective—To develop and test a questionnaire based instrument that would serve as an index of severity of Achilles tendinopathy. Methods—Item generation, item reduction, item scaling, and pretesting ...
The Alfredson protocol is a treatment for Achilles tendonitis that involves repeated eccentric heel drop exercises. In this exercise, the heel is slowly lowered off a step while the toes stay on the ...
Biceps tendonitis of the long head biceps tendon is a common cause of shoulder pain, either by itself or in combination with other shoulder problems, such as rotator cuff tears. Superior labrum ...
2 Other common causes of shoulder pain include frozen shoulder, calcific tendonitis and osteoarthritis (OA). An important point to note is that the effectiveness of any imaging modality ...
Background: Spasticity is a known complication to the hemiplegic shoulder following acquired brain injury. However, there is a current discrepancy between the diagnosis of arm spasticity and the ...
Calcification was the most common finding in infraspinatus (59%) and subscapularis (69%) compared with 39% in supraspinatus. Prevalence of SAB pathology was 31% and bursal thickening (dimensions ...