Ear pain can affect the outer ear, ear canal, ear drum, and middle ear. These are the nine most common conditions causing ear pain. Otitis media is more common in children because of the size and ...
The inner ear is divided into two fluid filled chambers - one inside the other. Figure 3 illustrates the basic organization of both the organs of hearing and balance. The fluid in the two chambers ...
Sinus congestion can affect your ears as well as your nose. A number of conditions cause tissue and blood vessels to become swollen. These lead to a blockage of the Eustachian tube and a buildup of ...
However, some cosmetic experts have weighed in on what's known as 'pixie ears', as plastic surgeon Mark Solomos explained to Femail: "The effect occurs when the earlobe is pulled downward, often ...
A mild form of traumatic brain injury caused by an impact to the head, a concussion can change brain cells, including those associated with hearing.
My hearing goes on flights then returns on landing. But it hasn't after my most recent trip - I've been home for two weeks ...
Yale researchers discovered new cochlear hearing modes that influence how the ear amplifies sound and processes frequencies.
A medical expert has shared a video to TikTok to explain how most people have been blowing their noses wrong their whole ...
The caption glasses developed by HearView connect via Bluetooth to an app that uses voice recognition technology to transcribe spoken words ...
While not as common as they once were, on-ear headphones still will be the perfect middle ground for many people. They don't intrusively burrow into your ears like in-ear headphones, nor are they as ...
Nicole Kidman's 'stretched ears' has sparked major concern from fans as experts reveal what could have caused it.
Age less than 6 months old Ear pain or crying like in pain Discharge is yellow or green, cloudy white or smells bad Clear drainage (not from a head injury) lasts more than 24 hours You think your ...