Tata Motors slipped 6.67% to Rs 702.25 after its consolidated net profit declined 22.41% to Rs 5,451 crore despite of 2.71% rise in revenue from operations to Rs 113,575 crore in Q3 FY25 over Q3 FY24.
Jaguar's controversial rebranding strategy has been widely criticized. This article defemds why Jaguar deserves the benefit the doubt in repositioning its storied brand ...
UK car production peaked at more than 1.6mn before the Brexit vote in 2016 and British plants are now capable of producing 1.1mn vehicles annually after the closure of Honda’s Swindon plant and JLR ...
Jaguar Land Rover’s Indian parent reported a quarterly profit that missed estimates as a broader consumption slowdown in its home market hurt sales of cars as well as commercial vehicles.