In late September, a US HC-103J Super Hercules spotted four foreign vessels operating about 440 miles southwest of St.
Brookfield, 98, and a longtime resident of Whittier, was born in Chemnitz, Germany, the only child of Willy and Dora Fleischmann. She was 11 in 1936 when she remembers other children in her school ...
A gesture associated with the Nazis has a surprising history. But in Germany, there was little doubt about its meaning.
The US president says he plans to speak to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and that he'd "rather not" use tariffs against ...
The first Black woman to join the U.S. Army Nurse Corps after the military was desegregated in the 1940s has died ...
Putin also wants a summit with Trump, which appears to be on track to happen this year. A meeting with the U.S. president ...
中国解放军东部战区近日派遣代表团访问日本,这是两国间军事交流的重大突破,也是自2018年以来首次此类互动。五天行程中,代表团会见了日本防卫省高阶官员,并参访相关军事单位。分析认为,此次访问更多是一场象征性互动,显示在美国候任总统特朗普(Donald ...
BBC11 天
Two landers owned by US and Japanese companies to carry out separate tests on the Moon's surface. The first minister delivers a rendition of Kimigayo, to welcome Ambassador Suzuki to Wales.
The rapid response to Yoon’s attempts to subvert the democratic system showed that some lines had been crossed and that South ...
中国与日本在本周进行了睽违七年的政党交流,以及五年来首度的军事交流。15日,中国总理李强在北京会见日本自民党干事长森山裕以及同为执政联盟的日本公明党干事长西田实仁时,表达了有意赴日参加中日韩领导人会谈。他并欢迎日本首相石破茂访华。但专家认为,虽然中日 ...
During his confirmation hearing, Trump’s Defense Secretary nominee couldn’t name a single member of the Southeast Asian bloc.