Jujutsu Kaisen will be featured at a huge event for anime, known as Anime Japan 2025. In this event, Jujutsu Kaisen will be taking the Red Stage. The event will be held over two days, March 22 and ...
The Association of Japanese Animation has sort of a strange timetable for its annual Anime Industry Report. The full report is published in December, but preliminary data is released in the middle of ...
Celebrities are sometimes truly powerful influencers when you think of how they can rock the craziest, most uncommon styles ...
Here is Japanese subtitles which get from NanakoRaws, Koi-Raws, kitsunekko and other subs. Will be started on end of Winter 2023.
A massive celebration of Japanese culture unfolded in Bengaluru on Sunday as Japan Habba hosted its 20th edition.
Ultimately, efforts to restrict piracy are not limited to anime and Japan. AI also helps artists monitor unauthorized uses of their music on social media, with several tools tracking copyrighted ...
As long as you have the necessary volume and thickness, you’re good to go. The hairstyle traces its origins to Asian pop culture during the 2010s, ranging from South Korean actors and South Korean ...