The Jurassic franchise continues to evolve in thrilling new ways, and Jurassic World Rebirth looks to be no exception. Directed by Gareth Edwards (2014’s Godzilla) and written by David Koepp ...
'Jurassic World: Rebirth' will include a scene from the original 'Jurassic Park' novel which wasn't used for the 1993 classic. In the 2000s, Spanish package holidays were all the rage and TV shows ...
If you show up for a Jurassic Park movie, you’re there for the dinosaurs. Even the human actors populating these titles would freely admit that the various T-rexs or winged critters are the star ...
Enough options to satisfy both the herbivores and the carnivores in your family! Jurassic Café is quite literally a catch-all for a variety of different foods! This wildly popular restaurant serves ...
After all these years, Funko is still releasing tons of new Pop figures on a weekly basis. Despite pulling back on some franchises, fandoms like Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Disney, anime, horror ...