They look at a Pearson 31, a Hunter 31, a Bristol 29.9, and a Cape Dory sailboat, discussing problem spots like mast and rigging, inspecting a sailboat’s deck core, engine hours, and keel bolts.
The long-awaited $25 million Harbor dredging project starts on Monday as contractors begin digging a 9-acre pit in a shallow South cove where seven decades of a working waterfront's industrial sins ...
When is the best day to visit boot Düsseldorf? Here are just a few of the wide range of exciting talks, speakers and stage events during the show to help you chose… Panel discussion: Next-Generation ...
And the occasional boat propeller or keel digging into the bottom or storm surge won’t stir up such a toxic brew after the clean-up. It’s been a very, very long time coming, said Bill ...