American Baptist minister and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr (1929 - 1968, seated, centre-right) gives a press conference regarding an agreement reached on a 'limited desegregation plan ...
A letter to parents says the two-hour detentions may help "avoid fixed-term exclusions".
Let us know in a letter to the editor of 200 words or less sent to Include your full name, address and daytime phone number. The Dispatch Editorial Board asked for comments ...
My grandfather, a history professor and proud patriot, was among the first wave of troops to land on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, 1944. Of all his medals, the Purple Heart held the most ...
According to “The Lessons of History” by Ariel and Will Durant, the wholesale purchase of the votes of commoners and senators was going on in 53 B.C. The “games” were instituted as another ...
Those who are concerned about the current situation regarding the coronavirus flu should look up the article published by Richard A. Hobday and John W. Cason in the October 2009 “American ...
If you find yourself struggling to stay engaged, there are things you can do to get excited about doing your best. Here are ...
In requiring that the Ten Commandments be posted in schools, what moral lessons do proponents of House Bill 1145 want students to learn? Let’s start with the last commandment as stated in Exodus ...
Re: "Column: Life lessons to be learned from nature" I am writing regarding the recent article by your contributor Sabine Eiche, "Life lessons to be learned from nature." Over the years I have read ...
I am responding to a letter written by Heather Vaszquez regarding elephants and the recent Colorado Supreme Court decision regarding the elephant herd at The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. I applaud the ...
A look at burning political issues and debates and their historical context within the US and worldwide, hosted by Mitch Jeserich.