In France, trade unionist Anasse Kazib faces prosecution for pro-Palestinian tweets. The overheated allegations of “apologia ...
Donald Trump has done more to rip apart the U.S.–European alliance than any foe has managed to do in the partnership’s 75 ...
America's abandonment of Europe is no surprise after years of increasingly isolationist and untrustworthy behaviour - its leaders should have paid more attention ...
US-EU-NATO amity nurtured during the Cold War is being buried by the Trump administration. Europe is out in the cold. This ...
Proposal raises concerns that Russia will use ballot to oust Ukraine’s wartime leader and install pro-Putin candidate ...
Faced with undisguised hostility from the Trump administration, Europeans are preparing for what is shaping up to be a ...
As the U.S. stakes out a different line on Ukraine, Europe is rallying to find a way to defend its territory and interests — with fault lines already showing on issues like possible troop deployment.