Babu wani rata mai yawa tsakanin inda Ceci Carroll take zama, wani kamfanin fasa duwatsu da ya gurbata iska da kurar da ke ...
Although many people with ADHD display impulsive behavior, ADHD is not classified as an impulse control disorder; rather, in the DSM-5, it is a neurodevelopmental disorder.Impulsive behavior is ...
Shirin ‘Muhalllinka Rayuwarka’ ya  na dubi ne kan batutuwan da ke da nasaba da muhalli, sauyin yanayi, da kuma noma da kiwo, ...
The thyroid medication levothyroxine should be taken on an empty stomach at around the same time every day. You should avoid eating or drinking for 30 minutes to one hour after taking it. There are ...
Batun aure tsakanin masu jinsi iri daya, kawo karshen ba da shaidar kasa ga jariran da iyayensu ba ‘yan kasa ba, da kuma tasa ...
Although caffeine is generally safe in low-to-moderate amounts, high levels of consumption may lead to unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. Coffee and tea are healthy beverages. However ...