Radiation belts are a normal part of the architecture of a planet with a global magnetic field. Stars are constantly leaking particles, borne by a stellar wind; these stream out and, where they ...
Cosmic rays coming from outside the Solar System bring these particles closer to the Sun, where they experience changes ...
For the first time, astronomers have succeeded in observing the magnetic field around a young star where planets are thought ...
A large team of researchers working on the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer Collaboration, which has been analyzing eleven years' ...
It’s not always obvious to the human eye when something is wrong inside of the weld; that’s where inspection through ...
It’s not always obvious to the human eye when something is wrong inside of the weld; that’s where inspection through nondestructive testing (NDT) comes into play. Weld inspection helps ensure that the ...
A graduate research assistant at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), a part of The University of Alabama system, ...
In quantum physics, subatomic particles behave strangely—they can be in two places simultaneously, move through solid objects ...
近日,西安电子科技大学生命科学技术学院医学影像系统与应用实验室朱守平教授团队联合德国亚琛工业大学物理与分子影像研究所Volkmar Schulz教授团队,在医学影像领域权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Medical ...
From unifying quantum physics and gravity to working out what is dark matter, the universe has some deep questions that ...
More than a decade of data about the particles zipping around our sun can solve mysteries from the behaviour of individual ...
In a first, US researchers have observed fractional excitons, a new class of quantum particles, that were only theoretically ...