Is your guinea pig pregnant? Have you recently adopted an adorable pair of baby guinea pigs? Either way, you may wonder what baby guinea pigs are called or how to care for these tiny creatures. In ...
Still, more say all-female groups have a positive impact on women’s well-being (67%) than say the same about the impact of male-only groups on men (56%). In thinking about the impact these types of ...
Rumbling is similar to purring but sounds much deeper. The rumble is used by male guinea pigs to get the attention of female piggies, whilst females will rumble to signal to males that they are ...
Well, a recent study from the University of Cambridge suggests that male and female brains are indeed wired differently from the time of birth. This study, one of the largest of its kind, analyzed the ...
Guinea pigs are most happy when kept in pairs or small groups. Typical combinations are two females (known as sows), a group of females, or a neutered male (boar) with a single female. They can ...