A new bill making its way through the New Jersey state legislature could require public schools to teach cursive writing from ...
One consequence of our digital age is a decline in cursive, the flowing style of penmanship once considered a common skill. While plenty of people still sign their name in cursive, being able to ...
In 2010, the newly established Common Core State Standards program, which outlines skills and knowledge students should acquire between kindergarten and high school, did not include cursive in its ...
The material resembles medieval chainmail at the molecular level and could be used in body armor. Chemists have invented a new material that could be the future of body armor — chainmail.
Raise your hand if you’re one of the remaining few who can still read cursive! It’s a dying art in the age of the keyboard, and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA ...
This is One Thing, a column with tips on how to live. Growing up in Saudi Arabia, I learned cursive with a fountain pen in the third grade as part of the standard curriculum. I wasn’t good at ...
Get a read on this. The National Archives is seeking volunteers who can read cursive to help transcribe more than 300 million digitized objects in its catalog, saying the skill is a “superpower.” ...
Slurred speech eventually shortened the name to a single word--marigold. In the late medieval period both the Dutch and Low German languages included equivalents of the English name: Marienbloemkijn ...
But these texts can be difficult to read and understand— particularly for Americans who never learned cursive in school. That’s why the National Archives is looking for volunteers who can help ...
If you can read cursive, the National Archives would like a word. Or a few million. More than 200 years worth of U.S. documents need transcribing (or at least classifying) and the vast majority ...