A lone, medieval knight follows a mysterious woman to a forbidden realm to help her steal the power of the gods. Director : Matthew Ninaber Writer: Matthew Ninaber Stars: Jeremy Ninaber, Kristen ...
Epic Pictures has released a trailer for a medieval horror titled A Knight’s War , which follows Bhodie, a knight of dubious birth but unwavering loyalty, tasked with a perilous mission: to journey ...
These war movies have blasted away the box office, from films about medieval times to those about modern warfare. “Midway” wasn’t a smash hit, but it was praised for its historical accuracy about the ...
Jamie Foxx Says Leonardo DiCaprio Stopped Reading ‘Django Unchained’ Due to Script’s Racial Slurs. Then Samuel L Jackson Told Him: ‘Say That S— Motherf—er!’ ‘It Insists Upon Itself ...
From his very first movie The Witch, Robert Eggers taught us a simple but important equation: Robert Eggers + Monster + Archaic Spelling Conventions = Good Movie. So while we’ve loved The ...
"Do you mind if we skip to he fighting part?" Dread & Epic Pictures have revealed an official trailer for an indie action fantasy epic called A Knight's War, arriving in theaters and on VOD to watch ...