Despite ending 2024 on a strong note, select PSU stocks such as Oil India, NHPC and Coal India plunged up to 43% from the peaks; technical charts hint at a possible pull-back in the near-term. French ...
She explores wide ranging topics like labor ... Carbone’s spicy rigatoni is made with oil. It’s a restaurant. And what’s the problem with seed oils anyway? The signs were put up by Seed ...
Members of the Khatra Potato Seed Group met Dr SS Gosal, Vice-Chancellor, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), to extend an invitation for their upcoming farmer training programme and ...
This repositiory contains the data and scripts used and produced for my disseration analysis chapter. It contain the discourses of Brazil authorities at the opening of the United Nations Assembly ...
Research and experiments on modern techniques of named entity recognition, entity linking and relation extraction on unstructured text containing not only English but also Russian language.