Titaner's new Mix 3.0 ain't your average ruler ... markings going up to 12 cm along one of its edges, and up to 5 inches along the other. Besides having both metric and imperial markings on ...
The new species had evolved to be much larger, around 30 centimeters, the researchers said. There are only 11 known "supergiant" and nine "giant" Bathynomus species, and this is only the second ...
The disks can grow to 30 centimeters to 3 meters in diameter, and up to about 10 centimeters in thickness, according to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution While the ice looks firm, it breaks easily.
Founder and trainer of Meditation and Yoga Center in Italy, Mahi Guruji along with his followers made a courtesy visit to Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath in Lucknow on January 19. The women who ...
The Goliath birdeater doesn't just it birds. It also eats small rodents, frogs and insects. Milan Zygmunt / Shutterstock ...