In Marvel Comics, Miles Morales becomes Spider-Man following Peter Parker's demise in the Ultimate Universe of Earth-1610, so his introduction into the MCU could coincide with the possible tragic ...
Detailed to look like the character's appearance in Marvel's Miles Morales: Ultimate Spider-Man #1 (2014), this collectible 6-inch scale Marvel figure is fully articulated with premium design and ...
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #28 swings into stores on Wednesday ... slowly corrupting humanity's reliance on free will. As humans become more dependent on LOLtron's divine AI network, their decision ...
A new canon event is happening in the Spider-Verse. 2023’s animated Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse saw Miles Morales (Shameik Moore), the Spider-Man of Earth-1610, once again traverse the ...
Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales is set a year after Doc Ock unleashed the Devil's Breath virus all over Manhattan and the Sinister Six from the Raft.