Directed by Brian De Palma, the movie follows the meteoric rise and fall of Cuban refugee, Tony (Pacino), who becomes a powerful drug lord in Miami, until his world of wealth and power comes crashing ...
Among other things, these films become a source for the study of human nature ... Filled with betrayals, power struggles, and gritty realism, ‘The Ruthless’ stands out as a compelling gangster movie, ...
The '90s had some stellar movies meant for children. Here, let's try and tackle the impossible task of ranking 15 of them.
Cute, kid-friendly monster movie; may scare sensitive kids.
The iconic Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart starred in six movies together, from forgettable affairs like Bad Sister to ...
Our editors give you the scoop on all the latest kids' movies available in theaters and via major streaming services and premium video on demand. Check our list of new G, PG, PG-13 (and very ...