There are several traditional model systems commonly used to study cancer, including cell culture based, zebrafish and mouse models. These models all have their own unique advantages and limitations ...
Sepsis is defined as a life-threatening dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to infection. It is a common and complex syndrome and is the leading cause of death in intensive care units. The ...
Stem-cell differentiation is the process by which a more specialised cell is formed from a stem cell, leading to loss of some of the stem cell's developmental potential. Stem-cell differentiation ...
So et al. present an optimized protocol for single-nuclei RNA sequencing of adipose tissue in mice, ensuring better RNA quality and nuclei integrity. The authors use this protocol to explore the ...
Differentiated product consumption choices made without full information can lead to welfare losses from regret and missed opportunities, but a lack of post-purchase usage data has prevented their ...