Absolute pitch, once thought to be an innate ability or only attainable through early childhood training, may be learnable in adulthood.
Three studies at the University of Zurich demonstrate that hypnosis alters activity in the large-scale functional networks of ...
It's been a long-held belief that absolute pitch—the ability to identify musical notes without reference—is a rare gift ...
The seven recipients are honored for cutting-edge research on topics ranging from the neurocognitive mechanisms of information processing to the connections between psychopathology and addiction.
A new study finds that the urge to move to music—known as groove—is a distinct physiological response, separate from musical ...
The pleasurable urge to move to music—to groove—appears to be a physiological response independent of how much we generally ...
A study published in Science Signaling on the neural circuitry mediating addiction has made significant strides, particularly in understanding the intricat | Neuroscience ...
Scientists have long sought to understand the complexities of human intelligence. The relationship between brain structure ...
Curate your BRAIN for synergy with AI: hone self-awareness, purpose, emotional depth, curiosity, and social bonds. It’s time ...
The physiological power and biological value of brain-derived neurotrophic factor is so significant that it is often referred ...
Restrictive eating behaviors, such as dieting and purging, involve the deliberate limitation of food intake to control body weight and shape. In contrast, emotional or uncontrolled eating behaviors, ...
New research reveals that couples that are truly happy in their relationship are easy to spot—in a surprisingly simple, wholesome way.