Originally debuting back in 2008, the highly-acclaimed game known for its frenetic ninja action, has been graphically remastered to deliver the most stunning Ryu Hayabusa kicks and flips to date ...
This year is looking delicious for action-starved Ninja Gaiden fans. Not only do we have both 3D and 2D games on the way in Ninja Gaiden 4 and The Game Kitchen’s Ninja Gaiden: Ragebound ...
Ninja Gaiden 4 has been in development with Team Ninja, and PlatinumGames, two studio giants of action games, working on this new installment in the Ninja Gaiden franchise. It is currently set to ...
"In terms of action games, I think ninjas are a good fit," says Fumihiko Yasuda, Team Ninja producer. We're discussing why ninja characters are so enduring throughout the history of video games ...