Wooden kitchen utensils are robust and durable, but need to be cleaned properly in order to prevent potential health hazards.Spatulas, cooking spoons or chopping boards are all well-suited for use in ...
Every time I get on my phone, there are a ton of ads on how to cure Type 2 diabetes. Are any of them worth looking at? — ...
The Trump administration’s effort to slash and reshape American foreign aid is crippling the intricate global system that aims to prevent and respond to famine. Struggling to manage hunger crises ...
The Mana facility in Fitzgerald received a 90-day federal stop-work order last week. Yet, their team has continued production as usual.
Walnuts and almonds both improve brain health, but walnuts may be superior due to their higher omega-3 and antioxidant ...
More than 16 million children and women in Odisha will get deworming doses during a month-long drive which will be launched ...
立春之后,天气由寒转暖,中医养生逐渐从“秋冬养阴”转到“春夏养阳”,保肝护阳成为重点。 衣要下厚上薄。俗话说:“春捂秋冻,不生杂病。”春天阳气生发,体表腠理开始打开,抵抗寒气的能力减弱,而初春天气变化较大,乍暖还寒。所以,天气开始变暖时不要马上脱去棉衣,尤其是老年人和身体虚弱的人群更应谨慎,注意对颈、膝、足等部位的保暖。 眠要早睡早起。春天人体气血需舒展畅达,提倡早睡早起,规律起居,晚上11时之前 ...
于高速运转的生活状态下,保障血脉顺畅日益博得了公众的广泛关注。你是否曾听说过一种神奇的饮品——醋?一项研究显示,摄取食醋或许能在仅仅一天的时间内,帮助消除体内约半数血凝块,这一论断的真实性究竟如何呢?面对这样一个看似令人振奋的消息,很多人或许会心存疑 ...