You must drink 7 to 8 glasses of water a day. Smash ginger and boil it until the colour changes to light yellow. Drink this before bedtime for add-on benefits. A member of the soy family, fenugreek ...
If you have trouble hearing in noisy environments and often find yourself asking people to repeat themselves but your hearing loss isn't severe, OTC hearing aids can be helpful. Hearing aids ...
This policy guidance provides recommendations for items that are available over the counter (OTC) and should not be routinely prescribed in primary care because: there is limited evidence of clinical ...
This review highlights the key areas of research in the hypothalamic control of appetite. The hypothalamus consists of several nuclei that integrate peripheral signals, such as adiposity and ...
Definition: Counter advertising is an advertisement which responds to another advertisement. They are, at times parody of the original ad, but deliver a message. Counter advertising takes an opposing ...