Following World War II in the 1940s, an onslaught of crime movies came out of Hollywood as moody stories were on the minds of filmmakers and audiences, popularizing the noir genre. Often in black ...
Double Indemnity, Laura, and The Maltese Falcon are all among the best, most rewatchable classic film noir movies.
Some actors are linked forever to certain genres: Humphrey Bogart and film noir, Hugh Grant and romantic comedies, Clint Eastwood and Westerns. And yet, just because an actor might be tied ...
04/08/2021 - Psychological trauma and xenophobia are the main topics of the film festival that homes in on this one, single genre The ninth edition of the Noir Film Festival runs from 18-22 August at ...
The undisputed star director of French noir is Jean-Pierre Melville. The writer and director helmed some of cinema's coolest and most thrilling films that blended the best of Hollywood noir tropes ...