On the basis of median [interquartile range] R2* values in MRI (Figure 2 E), iron levels in the SN fell greater in the AT group (from 4.5 [4.2–4.9] at baseline to 3.9 [3.8–4.1] after 6 months ...
Overall, the results demonstrated that mitochondrially targeted iron chelators mitoDFX and mitoDFO are capable of inducing NDRG1 mRNA and protein levels in breast cancer cells, while only low levels ...
Patients on dopaminergic agonists (n, mean daily L-dopa equivalent in mg) 18 (243) 18 (220) 4 (225) 13 (250) Patients on L-dopa and agonists (n) 7 7 2 5 Cognition and behavior: MDS-UPDRS part I ...
Now think of your mouth as such a city, with the oral microbiome making up the citizenry. Composed of hundreds of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other species, the oral microbiome is not just a ...
Visual hallucinations (VH) are commonly found in the course of synucleinopathies like Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. The incidence of VH in these conditions is so high that the ...
In December, Indonesia's total stainless steel exports decreased by approximately 7.18% MoM, with mixed performance in exports to major global consumer countries [SMM Analysis]. Stainless Steel ...
The term dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) refers to a spectrum of heterogeneous myocardial disorders that are characterized by ventricular dilation and depressed myocardial performance in the absence of ...