This result is underpinned by the fact that mice in which this cGMP pathway was blocked, developed more severe vascular calcification. “Interestingly, precisely this pathway of cGMP formation ...
From the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, SP, Brazil (L.A.P., L.F.G., M.L.) Laboratório de Biologia Vascular, Instituto do Coração (InCor), Hospital ...
Vascular calcification (VC) is associated with a number of cardiovascular diseases, as well as chronic kidney disease. The role of smooth muscle cells (SMC) has already been widely explored in VC, as ...
GCs act directly and indirectly on bone, hematopoietic and mesenchymal cells and tissues that affect bone integrity. Endogenous GCs (green) rather favour differentiation of osteoblasts, whereas ...
In summary, a growing evidentiary base suggests that magnesium may be beneficial with respect to vascular calcification and survival in patients with CKD and ESRD. These potential benefits include ...
B, Osteoblasts express OPG the natural decoy receptor for RANKL ... See text for details of bisphosphonates and denosumab prevention of osteoporosis and vascular calcification. There is increasing ...