The Jonas Brothers are reuniting with Disney to produce and star in a Christmas comedy movie, slated for the 2025 holiday season. In the film, which has the working title “Jonas Brothers ...
Tentatively called Jonas Brothers Christmas Movie, the comedy will follow group members Kevin, 37, Joe, 35, and Nick, 32, as they overcome all odds to leave London and get back to New York before ...
but we're making a Christmas movie." Per GMA, the film has the working title Jonas Brothers Christmas Movie and follows the band as they try to make it home from London to New York to spend the ...
The brothers announced today they're working on a Christmas movie produced by 20th Television that'll premiere during the 2025 holiday season. "Jonas Brothers Christmas Movie" is the working title.
The Jonas Brothers and Disney are releasing a Christmas movie this year, bringing the trio back to their Disney roots. Lara Spencer has more of the buzziest stories of the day in "GMA" Pop News.