Carey Segebart, one of the people who worked to get Danish-Swedish farmdogs recognized by the AKC, proudly plans to debut one of her own at a dog show this month near her Iowa home.
The Twentynine Palms Marine Corps base houses vulnerable young desert tortoises until they’re hardy enough to withstand predators and drought. The endangered species’ continued existence in ...
Bad air quality can have a negative impact on people, but pets can be more susceptible to it, and these are the things to be aware of to protect your animal. Perry, the donkey that served as the ...
Bad air quality can have a negative impact on people, but pets can be more susceptible to it, and these are the things to be aware of to protect your animal. With a winter storm expected to hit ...
The SF SPCA is trying to clear its shelter, so it can receive adoptable animals from Southern California in the coming days. Bad air quality can have a negative impact on people, but pets can be ...
Animals produce innate signals to warn or manipulate other animals (such as the screech of an eagle when it encounters predators). They cannot vary these sounds ... Are Pets Good For Your Health?