This important study is the first comprehensive analysis of the modulatory effects of nitric oxide (NO) on the response properties of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the mouse retina using two-photon ...
We found CD8 T cells in the space between RPE cells and the choroidal vessels, and in several layers of the neural retina, including the inner and outer plexiform layer, as well as the photoreceptor ...
Optical coherence tomography is done to detect three layers, such as the retinal pigment epithelium, neovascular tissue, and Bruch's membrane, to identify neovascularization. This is called the triple ...
Abbreviations: cc – crystalline cones; cl – corneal lense; DRAm – dorsal rim area ommatidia (morphological specialization); DRA+ – transitional zone ommatidia; ppc – primary pigment cells; ppcpg – ...
Visual perception begins as soon as the eye focuses light onto the retina, where it is absorbed by a layer of photoreceptor cells. These cells convert light into electrochemical signals ...
Furthermore, they no longer occupy space in the photoreceptor layer, so that more of the light can be captured. These factors might help to explain the inverted nature of the vertebrate retina.
Blindness or vision loss due to neuroretinal and photoreceptor degeneration affects millions of individuals worldwide. In numerous neurodegenerative diseases, including age-related macular ...