SF has an advantage over most other disciplines in that it has had something like a theory of postmodernism ingrained in its futurism for many years. SF has observed with professional interest the ...
Her essays have appeared in journals such as Modern Fiction Studies, Narrative, College Literature, and the Journal of Asian American Studies, and in essay collections such as Narrative Theory Unbound ...
He has also published chapters in several edited volumes, including The Democratic Arts of Mourning: Political Theory and Loss, Literature After 9/11, Histories of Postmodernism, A Political Companion ...
The 1979 opening of the Österreichisches Verkehrsbüro on the Opernringhof in Vienna: Hans Hollein can be seen on the far right of this Postmodern performative travel agency. Courtesy Nachlass Hans ...
Google is one of the more recent office tenants, moving there in 2011. A leader of postmodern architectural theory, architect Terry Farrell reached a pinnacle of British postmodernism with his SIS ...