Even though they don’t come across prairie dogs on their breeding grounds, bald eagles and rough-legged hawks prey on this prey in the winter. Since the 1970s, North America’s grasslands have ...
Tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia, heartwarming, whimsical & explosive action adventure in the life of a prairie dog's up for grabs. The book is, "Stanley: A Prairie Dog's Tale," by ...
Fraina particularly likes seeing the prairie dogs, which he often sees calling to each other, poking their heads out of the ground or relaxing in the sun. But those prairie dogs will soon be ...
LONGMONT, Colo. — A Longmont man is fighting to save his animal neighbors as he's about a three minute walk from one of the prairie dog colonies in his town. Jaime Fraina was one of the ...
Ward said some have questioned why he’s so adamant about having such an obscure rule changed. His response is that he loves hunting and fishing in Wyoming. Some clarification on the legality of a ...
Thank you for your recent coverage of prairie dogs (“Weekly Why: Why do Coloradans care so much about prairie dogs?” Jan. 15). It’s an important topic, and I appreciate your efforts to highlight it. I ...
A Colorado homeowners association has voted to allow the relocation of a prairie dog colony living in a community open space -- but only until March 1. After that, any remaining prairie dogs will ...
12, 2024. After a barrage of statements from the public calling for the city to put a halt on exterminating prairie dogs at Dry Creek Park, located off Grandview Meadows Drive, it seemed for a moment ...
This animal, from before the age of the dinosaurs, was a dog-like creature that was ... Dogs Trained to Sniff out Spotted Lanternflies Could Help Reduce Spread Jan. 2, 2025 — Growers and ...