You might be familiar with a sensation called "brain zaps," or sensory disturbances that feel like electric shocks inside the brain. This symptom can occur after you skip or stop antidepressants ...
NeuroXess, a Chinese startup, has made two major breakthroughs in brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, coming to the aid of a brain-damaged patient. The first was its ability to decode ...
But scientists have long assumed that bacteria can’t survive in the human brain. The powerful blood-brain barrier, the thinking goes, keeps the organ mostly free from outside invaders.
Mice were chosen because their brains share "many similarities" to human brains. "Our brain consists of thousands of types of cells, which carry out different functions," Hongkui Zeng, study co ...
Whoever thinks research is not exciting might be in for a surprise. In 2025, we could witness genetic decoding of the human brain, collect solar energy in space, and walk across a bridge built of ...
Much of our current knowledge of PD-1's functions comes from studies in mice, grounded on the assumption that rodent and human biology operate similarly. Researchers in UC San Diego's School of ...
In a comprehensive assessment of PD-1, researchers have found that PD-1 in mice is significantly weaker than the human version, providing new information on how cancer treatments are developed.