So, for today’s Manic Monday, it only seems fitting to take it all the way back to Wire’s earliest, rawest days with this remarkable footage of the band from Watford Art School in 1977. Video evidence ...
As the viewing angle changes on these wire art animals, including the gentle-looking bear and rabbit, new details and aspects start to stand out. Although they are three-dimensional sculptures, they ...
This particular teaser combines art and psychology, creating an engaging experience that encourages viewers to interact and share their findings.
To explain this policy over the past two years, including this month’s announcement, the administration repeatedly turned to one metaphor: a small yard with a high fence. It means that sensitive ...
Republicans held on to control of the House of Representatives in November by one of the thinnest margins in the country’s history—even smaller than in the current Congress—a result that ...
Prosecutors in New York said Philbrick committed “one of the most significant frauds in the art market in history.” He pleaded guilty to wire fraud in November 2021 and was sentenced to prison ...
Within hours, Israeli tanks rolled past a razor wire-reinforced fence into the Golan’s demilitarized buffer zone in Syria, created as part of a 1974 ceasefire between the countries. Israel said ...