Over the years, through projects such as the Green School and homes at the Green Village, bamboo has become an increasingly popular material in Bali, Indonesia. While design firms in Bali such as ...
Grown throughout Asia, Africa, and the Americas, bamboo refers to any one of about 1,450 species in the Poaceae family. Most varieties of bamboo are incredibly hardy, and grow well in both ...
The 2004 Rinspeed Splash is a groundbreaking concept that merges the worlds of sports cars and amphibious vehicles, showcasing the Swiss company’s innovative engineering. Designed as a lightweight, ...
瑞士汽车制造商Rinspeed在2020年1月7日-10日在拉斯维加斯举行的消费电子展上展示了全新的“metroSNAP”概念车。Rinspeed集团再次使用创新的HARTING技术。这次,浩亭技术集团提供了一种特别设计的接口为车辆提供电源、数据和信号连接。 浩亭正和Rinspeed "metroSNAP"一道 ...
全球照明与科技领导者欧司朗光电半导体携手林斯比得汽车公司(Rinspeed),成为Rinspeed Snap自动驾驶概念车的独家照明合作伙伴,这款概念车将于 2018 年美国拉斯维加斯国际消费电子展 (CES) 正式亮相。作为全球汽车照明的翘楚,欧司朗光电半导体是助力Snap团队达成 ...