Tempe Blooms highlighted local florists’ creative and sustainable designs, which featured eco-friendly materials and techniques.
The ideal time to plant plumeria is generally from spring to early summer when temperatures are consistently warm and the risk of frost has passed, says Br ...
The internet is full of weird and wonderful houseplant hacks. One currently doing the rounds suggests propagating orchid ...
A planned expansion of the park’s east entrance parking lot has created a unique opportunity to study these protected desert giants.
Succulents are a great way to get started in the plant kingdom. They are easy and very rewarding to grow, not to mention just ...
• Before the heat and dry air of spring and summer, update your irrigation system to in-line drip, flexible tubing with ...
Do you have an old fountain in the garden? If you don't use it, you can easily convert it into a tiered planter and fill it ...
South Africa's succulents - small, fleshy, green plants sometimes shaped like roses or stars, and often found peeping out ...