Petrol prices in Warangal Rural commenced the month at Rs 107.13 per litre. - The highest recorded rate stood at Rs 107.35, indicating 0.21% increase from the month's initial price. - The lowest ...
Petrol prices in Jaipur Rural commenced the month at Rs 104.81 per litre. - The highest recorded rate stood at Rs 105.14, indicating 0.31% increase from the month's initial price. - The lowest ...
Check the current petrol prices by state on our page for updates. Are petrol prices the same across all fuel stations in a city? Petrol prices are generally uniform across fuel stations in a city ...
Check the current petrol prices by state on our page for updates. Are petrol prices the same across all fuel stations in a city? Petrol prices are generally uniform across fuel stations in a city ...
Ahmedabad: Three days after a 41-year-old school teacher was killed over an alleged love affair in Viramgam, Ahmedabad rural ...
“So far, the inquiry into rural banking has not changed my suspicion that a cabal of woke banks is neglecting rural ...
A Whangārei petrol station worker was assaulted and threatened by a group of people during an overnight robbery. Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Shane Pilmer said two stolen cars pulled up to ...
State ministry director Lilis Saslinda Pornomo issued this reminder after a Singapore-registered car was caught refueling with RON95 at a petrol station in Johor Baru city last Tuesday (Jan 21).
A coal mining firm was told by BNZ that it would slowly have banking services withdrawn, culminating in the cancellation of ...
Astron Energy is rapidly rebranding Caltex petrol stations across South Africa as part of one of the most ambitious rebrands in history. The rebrand started two and a half years ago, and Astron ...