Popular for boating and fishing, the waters also produce healing, calming waves for veterans and service members at the ...
Dams have pushed salmon populations to the brink over the last century and destroyed traditional fishing areas like Cilelo Falls in eastern Washington. A rich fishing area that was the center of ...
A summer spent fishing was lucrative for one angler who earned a record amount of just more than $164,000 for turning in the ...
Northern Pikeminnow Sport Report Program aims to reduce the number of pikeminnow preying on juvenile salmon and steelhead ...
Hailing from Idaho, Peterson splits her years in half— one half professional skier, one half successful Alaskan fishing boat captain.
Steelhead fishing has been slow in almost all systems this week as the low, clear and cold water has seemed to heavily affect ...
California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to Host Virtual Public Meeting on California Salmon Fisheries ...
By Edward Carver This month Washington became the last state on the U.S. West Coast to reject salmon aquaculture over ...
Early returning winter steelhead rivers have started to slow, which could be due to run timing or lack of rain. Later returning steelhead rivers are continuing to get more fish, though some rain would ...
It matches reports of fishing boats catching ... waters off Oregon and Washington in 2020, which was a boom year for the species. They outnumbered juvenile salmon so much that year that sablefish ...