Hero Xoom 160 Price starts at Rs. 1.48 Lakh which is Rs. 17,549 costlier than base model of Vespa VXL 125 priced at Rs. 1.30 Lakh. In technical specifications, Hero Xoom 160 is powered by 156 cc ...
Vespa ZX 125 is the base variant in the ZX lineup and is priced at Rs. 1.16 Lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi). This 125 variant comes with an engine putting out and of max power and max torque respectively.
The Honda Dio 125 caters to the youthful segment of the Indian market. Its latest model is equipped with the Combi Brake System (CBS) for enhanced safety. The 123.9cc, air-cooled engine of the Dio ...
The Ather 450X is one of the quickest scooters in India, capable of going from 0-40km/h in just 3.3 seconds. This is thanks to the powerful mid-mounted motor producing 8.58bhp and 26Nm of peak torque.