In an unforgettable scene from the movie “Zeus and Roxanne,” a dolphin becomes the unexpected hero, saving a dog that had accidentally fallen into the sea, showcasing a remarkable display of ...
Inside Marine Mammal Care + Dolphin Nursery ... The interactive, hysterical show pits professional zoological specialists against SeaWorld’s famous Longshoremen. Which guest’s animal expertise ...
SeaWorld Orlando again is rolling out its Inside Look programming, and this time it’s got flamingos. The behind-the-scenes glances are included with regular theme park admission on the Saturdays ...
Other backstage looks will include the dolphin nursery, Shark Encounter and Manta aquariums, Pacific Point Preserve, Wild Arctic, Coral Rescue and the SeaWorld Rescue Center. A trivia show called ...
he told 7NEWS. “We were told a dolphin had jumped into a charter boat. “I’ve never seen a dolphin jump into a boat before.” Debono said he worked closely with a SeaWorld vet to assess the dolphin’s ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
9. That park is going with pirate themes for its activities, including scavenger hunts, dance parties, arts and crafts, storytime and a new show called “Elmo and the Bookaneers.” SeaWorld’s ...