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For Plumwood, an expanded sense of “home” would encompass the broader ecological context we exist within. In her 1998 article, Indigenous Australian law scholar Irene Watson emphasises the ...
By Kirsten Chuba Events Editor Nonprofit organization A Sense of Home is starting a new initiative to support survivors of the L.A. fires who have lost everything. The group — which for the last ...
The New York Times' recent game, "Strands," is becoming more and more popular as another daily activity fans can find on the NYT website and app. With daily themes and "spangrams" to discover ...
Perhaps no owner in the NFL understands the value of "keeping it all in the family" better than Jerry Jones, who got to say as much in episode 9 of the hit TV show "Landman." In a cameo across ...
Did they have any say in identifying as Mrs Tree? Anyway, I digress. Apologies. Strands wasn’t about that at all – it was about WHALES and their magnificent blowholes. ORCA was the key to ...
While most known types of DNA damage are fixed by our cells' in-house DNA repair mechanisms, some forms of DNA damage evade repair and can persist for many years, new research shows.
Wild-card weekend is in the books and boy there's a lot to digest. Matt Harmon and Andy Behrens recap every game with a major focus on 'what's next' for the six teams that lost in the first round.
Gene therapy can be categorized into several distinct methods. Gene correction and gene replacement, which leverage gene-editing technologies to identify and excise mutated genes, and cellular DNA ...