Penn State Extension is surveying septic system owners or users to learn more about septic system operation and maintenance practices across Pennsylvania.
The Ravalli County Commissioners are hosting a series of meetings to address ongoing septage system issues in the county.
In 2019, after Florida was hit hard by the outbreak of both harmful blue-green algae and red tide, newly elected Gov. Ron ...
Premier Sewer & Septic Service addresses soil and space challenges in wastewater treatment with innovative mechanical septic systems.
Among my favorite is House Bill 1004, which would strip nonprofit protections from large multi-location hospital chains that ...
The survey looks to seek the potential barriers and motivations to septic tank management, maintenance and remediation at the ...
The Town of Reading Selectboard has narrowed its ongoing consideration of potential wastewater treatment options down to three for 77 properties in the stat ...
STEC (which is also referred to as VTEC) is a potent and infectious strain of E.coli that cause severe illness. Up to 10 per ...
Before Malaysia had a proper and standardised sewerage system, there were the “nightsoil men” whose sole rudimentary task was ...