In our clinic, quantitative serologic tests are taken routinely on all patients with early syphilis, but these have proved to be of the greatest value in the cases with negative dark-field lesions ...
Jan. 13, 2025 — Girolline, a compound extracted from the sea sponge Pseudaxinyssa cantharella, has been investigated for possible antitumor effects and also found to have anti-malarial effects ...
Methods: An aptamer-based (7,289 marker) proteomic assay coupled with traditional serology was leveraged to generate a comprehensive evaluation of systemic responsiveness in 64 and 68 healthy ...
The Malaria Physiopathology and Genomics group at CISM & ISGlobal uses molecular surveillance with NGS and serology to study parasite populations Spain https://www ...
The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of positive CD serology in a population of Canadian adults living in Toronto, and to determine whether the prevalence of CD ...
Resistance to the lifesaving malaria drug, artemisinin, may be emerging in young African children with serious infections, a study from patients in a Ugandan hospital has revealed. “Complicated ...
The diagnosis of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection is based on the detection of anti-HAV IgM. Shortcomings of this serological approach include the persistence of IgM after normalization of liver ...
Malaria is one of humanity’s oldest killers, with records of cases dating back to ancient Egypt. But despite efforts to eradicate the disease, a new report from the World Health Organization ...
Most recommendations in this chapter fall into the category of "good practice", in the sense that there is no reasonable alternative (e.g. testing for malaria should be done in a febrile traveller ...
VARICELLA and herpes zoster are diseases with very different clinical manifestations and age distribution. However, the causative agents of the two syndromes have been shown to be ...
The public weather department urged the public to take precautions against malaria, one of the leading causes of death in the country. The department called on health authorities to ensure ...