In the early 1980s, a massive drought known as the "Great Dry" swept through eastern Australia. Massy's traditional farming practices had allowed his sheep to intensely graze the landscape, stripping ...
Years ago, author Paula Whyman left her DC-area home in search of a rural spot, hoping to get back to nature. What she found was 200 acres of old farmland ...
There are many steps you can take whether your are keeping horses on a small or large scale when it comes to managing your ...
Thousands of native trees have been planted in a bid to create a new rainforest - in Devon. This winter has seen 2,500 native ...
Inspired by the work of 18th-century landscape architect Capability Brown, the wall is a reinterpretation of the historic ...
Devon Wildlife Trust is transforming fields near Totnes to create a temperate rainforest.
More than a 100 local people have devoted hundreds of hours to planting species - including oak, rowan, alder, hazel, birch, ...
They are rare, they are elusive and they are so well camouflaged, they are difficult to see, even when they are right there.
The Vermont camping season is short, and for a small state, there are a whole lot of beautiful places to lay your head, from ...
This Indonesian island is the paradise-esque destination on so many travel insiders’ lips right now. And for good reason — ...