Biceps tendonitis of the long head biceps tendon is a common cause of shoulder pain, either by itself or in combination with other shoulder problems, such as rotator cuff tears. Superior labrum ...
Introduction: Shoulder pain and disability ipsilateral to the implant site is a common complication of cardiac rhythm device implantation, yet very little has been published about this morbidity.
Five had bilateral shoulder pain, so 125 painful shoulders were evaluated ... longitudinal traction on the arm to increase the gap between the acromion and humeral head. No injection was made directly ...
There were no observable differences in the frequency of imaged pathology between those in whom post-injection pain intensity increased ... deposits in the anterior shoulder region on axial ...
Doctors recommend it when other treatments, like braces or cortisone shots, no longer help with pain. During the surgery, a small bone in the wrist called the trapezium is removed and replaced with an ...