After 23 years, one of the UK’s most expensive and complex road upgrade projects is finally near completion – but has it been worth it?
Almost 100 varieties of fruit trees, conifers, shrubs and small plants are available for purchase online during the Delta ...
A man has been sentenced to 12 weeks in jail after being found hiding in his ex-partner's garden, in violation of multiple ...
This phenomenon, called marcescence, adds a unique dimension to the winter landscape, and gives me something to ponder while ...
The Cape Coral Fire Department rescued, and returned, a missing dog from thick shrubs and branches Sunday morning.
• Before the heat and dry air of spring and summer, update your irrigation system to in-line drip, flexible tubing with ...
Around the world, other communities are experimenting with ideas that Los Angeles could borrow as it rebuilds from disastrous ...
I have some shrubs that are too crowded. I read that February and March are the best months to plant or move trees and shrubs. Is that really true given our rainy weather?
This article is part of an ongoing series highlighting projects that have been completed as part of the Chehalis Basin Strategy. These projects are implemented in cooperation with partners such as the ...
One new homeowner asked Redditors for their best landscaping advice, unveiling a spacious, lawnless backyard—essentially a ...
Keystone plants and trees like the Coast Live Oak and California lilac are key players in the health of your garden.
"The goats are not only agile and small and can fit into tight spaces but they love terrain," Crow said. "Rather than cut this plant down and stimulate growth, [the goats] are pulling all the green, ...